Drunk Driving Charges

Drunk driving charges in Oklahoma are serious. Watch this video to learn what you could be facing if arrested. Call for a free consultation with our lawyer

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What types of charges can you get from a DUI in Oklahoma?


In Oklahoma, there are three different charges for driving under the influence in a vehicle. The first one is a DWI. That’s with a breath alcohol content or BAC of 0.08 or less. A DUI is when your BAC is 0.08 to 0.14. If your BAC is 0.15 and up, it’s an aggravated DUI. In the DWI, which is less than 0.08, you won’t lose your license. You’ll have to be on probation, and do a lot of education, and some community service to pay court costs, fines, and probation.Drunk Driving ChargesIf it’s a DUI, you will have to have a breath interlock device for your car. You won’t be able to drive unless you have it. What that does is, you blow into it every time you start the car. If there’s any alcohol on your breath, it won’t start. It will record that you failed the test. Every month you have to download the results, and the Department of Public Safety sees that. You have to have a breath interlock device in your car for six months if it’s a DUI. If it’s an aggravated DUI with BAC of 0.15 or more, it’s a 24-month long program you have with a breath interlock device.

Those are the three charges dealing with alcohol. Most of them on your first offense will be a deferred sentence. That means it will be dismissed and expunged from your record after you’ve completed everything in your probation including all the court costs, fines, and probationary fees. We can get it off your record, so it won’t be on the record people can see on the computer. A year after you have it dismissed, if you have no other offenses, you can get the OSPI record sealed, so no one can even know you were arrested for a DUI.

Did you or a loved one get arrested for DUI in Oklahoma and have questions about drunk driving charges? Contact a Stillwater DUI attorney at Murray Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you.

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Out of Town Legal Resources

This Buffalo DWI Attorney has done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a DWI claim in Buffalo, we recommend you take a look at their website.

These Utah Drunk Driving Lawyers have done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a drunk driving claim in Utah, we recommend you take a look at their website.