Beware of Dog Sign Liability
If you were attacked by a dog with a sign posted, you may still be able to recover compensation. Watch this video to learn about beware of dog sign liability.provider: youtube
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Does a beware of dog sign hurt my claim?Answer:
What happens if a dog owner has a beware of dog on its fence that leads to his home? What do you do? Let’s say that you decide you want to go there anyway to see the owner and you’re bitten by a dog. If you are bitten by a dog when you saw the beware of dog sign, does that hurt your claim? Does that prohibit you from making a claim?What I would submit to you is fact specific. If this homeowner knew this dog was dangerous, it has bit other people before, and they didn’t make any efforts to restrain the dog in their yard when they knew people would be coming in to deliver things, to see them, or their family members would come to their house, I think they could be responsible. I think it would be a case we would want to submit to a focus group. Have them to determine what they thought was the appropriate amount of responsibility to place with each party.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured after being attacked by a dog and have questions about beware of dog sign liability? Contact a Stillwater dog bite attorney at Murray Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel