DUI Expungement
Do you have questions about the DUI expungement process in Oklahoma? Watch this educational video, and call today for a free consultation.Question:
Can you get your DUI charges expunged in Oklahoma?Answer:
In Oklahoma, if you have a DUI charge, and it’s your first offense, and it’s been dismissed from the Oklahoma Supreme Court Network, then it can be expunged at that point. You won’t be able to see it on the public network anymore.A year after that, you can do what they call a Section 18/19 Expungement where you can have your dismissal and your plea sealed from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation Network. When someone does a deep, dark background check, it won’t show up.
Were you or a loved one arrested for drunk driving in the past and have questions about getting a DUI expungement? Contact a Stillwater DUI attorney at Murray Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel