Out-of-State Child Support

Are you trying to collect out-of-state child support from your child’s parent? Read this article to learn how our family law attorney can handle the situation. Read Our FREE Divorce Guide


Can I collect child support if my child’s other parent lives out of state?


If you’re considering filing for divorce and you have your minor children in the state of Oklahoma, but your soon-to-be ex-spouse resides in another state, are you going to have to be concerned with whether you will be able to receive child support if the court orders him or her to pay?Out-of-State Child SupportThe answer to that question is no. There are certain acts in place that require uniform collection for child support orders and that will prevent any sort of issue in you receiving your court-ordered child support. You’ll have to contact an experienced divorce attorney to make sure that happens.

If your marriage is dissolving and you have children, you may be wondering about out-of-state child support. Contact a Stillwater child support attorney at Murray Law Firm today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel