Seeking Justice: Wrongful Death Claims After Criminal Cases in Oklahoma

Losing a loved one is an indescribable tragedy, and when that loss is the result of another person’s reckless, negligent, or intentional actions, the pain becomes even more profound. In Oklahoma, the legal system provides two avenues for families seeking justice in the aftermath of a wrongful death: criminal prosecution and civil claims. However, when a criminal case is pursued against the person responsible for a death, many family members are left wondering whether they can still file a wrongful death claim. The short answer is yes, but the process involves several important legal distinctions and complexities.

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While criminal prosecutions focus on punishing the wrongdoer, wrongful death claims serve a different purpose: to seek financial compensation for the surviving family members. Understanding the differences between these two legal paths, and how they intersect in Oklahoma, is key to ensuring that families can pursue justice and hold responsible parties accountable for the devastating loss they have caused. Murray Law Firm provides compassionate and knowledgeable guidance to families seeking justice and compensation in wrongful death claims cases.

The Purpose of Criminal Cases in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, when a person’s actions result in someone’s death, the state may choose to pursue criminal charges. Criminal cases are handled by the government, typically through a district attorney’s office. The primary goal of a criminal case is to determine whether the defendant violated criminal laws and, if so, to impose penalties such as imprisonment, fines, or other forms of punishment. In a criminal trial, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime.

For families who have lost a loved one, criminal prosecution may provide a sense of justice, as it holds the responsible party accountable for their actions. However, even if the defendant is convicted and punished, a criminal case does not directly compensate the family for their loss. Criminal cases focus on society’s interest in punishing wrongful behavior, rather than addressing the financial and emotional needs of the victims’ loved ones.

James V. Murray

Attorney with Over 40 Years Experience

Wrongful Death Claims in Oklahoma

A wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit that can be filed by the surviving family members of a person who has died as a result of another’s wrongful actions. In Oklahoma, wrongful death claims are governed by state statutes that allow certain family members, such as the deceased’s spouse, children, or parents, to file the lawsuit. Unlike criminal cases, which are prosecuted by the state, wrongful death claims are brought by the family of the deceased against the responsible party.

The goal of a wrongful death claim is to seek financial compensation for the losses suffered by the family, which may include funeral expenses, medical bills, lost income, and the emotional pain and suffering caused by the death of their loved one. While no amount of money can ever replace a family member, wrongful death claims provide a way for families to recover some of the financial burdens that often arise after a tragic loss.

One of the key distinctions between criminal cases and wrongful death claims is the burden of proof. In a criminal case, the state must prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a very high standard. In contrast, wrongful death claims in Oklahoma are governed by a lower burden of proof known as a preponderance of the evidence. This means that the family only needs to show that it is more likely than not that the defendant’s actions caused the death. Because of this difference, it is possible for a defendant to be acquitted in a criminal trial but still be held liable in a wrongful death claim.


Mr. Murray and his team were very professional and helpful throughout this process. As my case was very unique, I knew I was going to need a very specific and special team to help me through this. My wife and I prayed about it and God led us to Murray Law Firm. During the first consultation I requested he pray with me about it and he was quick to agree and that is when I knew we had made the right decision. They went above and beyond our expectations and won the case. I would highly recommend this firm.”

- Roger Buchanan


The Murray Law Firm worked wonders for me and my needs. James Murray along with his staff are so helpful, understanding, and answered all my questions and concerns. James was able to work his magic and get things done in such a timely manner. James even made his self available by phone after hours when I was in such need. He put not only mine but my whole families worries and concerns at ease. Would highly recommend James Murray to anyone searching for a very good attorney!"

- Tiara Rich


Jamie is personal yet professional. He can put you at ease and make you feel safe and secure. He will be at your side through this most difficult time in your life and will keep you informed about what is going on in your case and what you can expect. His staff is always ready and willing to do everything the can to help you. Highly recommended."

- Alicia Mayfield

The Impact of Criminal Cases on Wrongful Death Claims

Many families in Oklahoma wonder how a criminal case might affect their ability to file a wrongful death claim. The short answer is that criminal cases and wrongful death claims are separate legal proceedings, and the outcome of one does not necessarily dictate the outcome of the other.

If a defendant is convicted in a criminal case, it can provide strong evidence in a subsequent wrongful death claim. The fact that the defendant has already been found guilty of causing the death can bolster the family’s civil case and make it more likely that they will recover compensation. However, even if a defendant is acquitted in a criminal trial, the family can still pursue a wrongful death claim because the burden of proof is lower in civil cases.

It is also important to note that wrongful death claims can be filed before, during, or after a criminal case. The timing of a wrongful death claim may depend on the specific circumstances of the case, as well as the preferences of the family. In some cases, families may choose to wait until the criminal case is resolved before filing a wrongful death claim. In other cases, they may decide to pursue both claims simultaneously.

Seeking Justice Through Both Criminal and Civil Avenues

For families in Oklahoma, pursuing both criminal prosecution and a wrongful death claim can be an important part of the healing process. While a criminal case may provide a sense of justice by holding the responsible party accountable, a wrongful death claim can help address the financial and emotional toll of losing a loved one. The two legal processes serve different purposes, but together, they offer families a more comprehensive path to justice.

It is important to understand that wrongful death claims are not just about money. While financial compensation is one of the primary goals, these claims also serve to hold wrongdoers accountable for their actions and to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. By pursuing a wrongful death claim, families can send a powerful message that negligent or reckless behavior will not be tolerated.

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The Role of Legal Representation in Wrongful Death Cases

Navigating the legal complexities of wrongful death claims and criminal cases can be overwhelming, particularly for families who are still grieving the loss of their loved one. This is why it is critical to have experienced legal representation on your side. An attorney who understands the nuances of Oklahoma’s wrongful death laws can help guide families through the process, ensuring that their rights are protected and that they receive the compensation they deserve.

An attorney can also help families understand how the outcome of a criminal case may affect their wrongful death claim, and they can work to build a strong case on behalf of the family, regardless of the criminal trial’s outcome. With legal support, families can focus on healing, while their attorney handles the complexities of the legal process.

Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death Claims in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, there is a time limit for filing a wrongful death claim. This time limit, known as the statute of limitations, requires that families file their claim within two years of the date of their loved one’s death. Failing to file a claim within this time period can result in the family losing their right to seek compensation.

Because of the statute of limitations, it is important for families to act quickly if they are considering a wrongful death claim. While it can be difficult to think about legal matters in the aftermath of a tragedy, waiting too long can jeopardize the family’s ability to recover compensation.

Justice and Accountability After Criminal Cases

When a family loses a loved one due to another person’s actions, justice can feel elusive. Even when a criminal case is pursued, it may not fully address the family’s need for accountability and compensation. This is why wrongful death claims are so important. They provide families with an opportunity to seek justice on their own terms and to hold the responsible party financially accountable for the harm they have caused.

Pursuing a wrongful death claim after a criminal case in Oklahoma is not just about recovering financial compensation. It is about ensuring that the responsible party is held accountable in every way possible. Families have the right to seek justice for their loved ones, and they should not hesitate to explore all of their legal options.

If you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s wrongful actions, it is crucial to understand your legal rights. The Murray Law Firm is here to help you navigate the complexities of wrongful death claims in Oklahoma. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping families seek justice and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you during this difficult time. Let us help you pursue the justice and compensation you deserve.