Understanding Oklahoma Criminal Trials: Frequently Asked Questions

When faced with a criminal trial in Oklahoma, it is natural to have many questions about the process and what to expect. The criminal justice system can feel overwhelming, particularly for those who are unfamiliar with the legal procedures. Whether you are facing criminal charges or supporting a loved one through this difficult time, understanding the basics of criminal trials in Oklahoma is crucial. The following guide will walk you through the key stages of a trial, common concerns that arise, and important aspects of Oklahoma’s criminal law.

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What Happens Before a Criminal Trial in Oklahoma?

Before a trial even begins, there are several steps that must be completed in the criminal justice process. It often starts with the arrest of an individual, followed by a formal charge. Once a charge is filed, the accused will typically go through an arraignment where they will plead guilty, not guilty, or no contest. At this stage, the court will also determine whether the accused can be released on bail.

Following the arraignment, both the prosecution and defense will engage in what is known as the discovery process. During discovery, both parties are required to exchange information about the evidence that will be presented in court. This step is crucial for preparing an adequate defense, as it allows the accused’s attorney to understand the strength of the prosecution’s case.

Before a trial officially begins, there may be several pretrial motions filed by the defense. These motions can range from requests to suppress certain evidence to dismissing charges altogether. The outcome of these motions can have a significant impact on the trial or even prevent it from happening. Understanding what takes place in the pretrial phase helps to set the stage for the trial itself.

James V. Murray

Attorney with Over 40 Years Experience

How Is the Jury Selected for an Oklahoma Criminal Trial?

Jury selection is a critical part of the criminal trial process in Oklahoma. In most criminal cases, the accused has the right to a jury trial. However, in some instances, the defendant may choose to waive this right, allowing the case to be heard by a judge alone.

If a jury is involved, the selection process will begin with a group of potential jurors being called to court. The process, known as voir dire, involves questioning these individuals to determine whether they can be impartial in the case. Both the defense and prosecution have the opportunity to question jurors, and they can challenge potential jurors if they believe they may be biased.

Selecting an impartial jury is a fundamental aspect of ensuring a fair trial. The final group of jurors will be seated once both sides are satisfied that the selected individuals can objectively assess the case. The jury plays a vital role in criminal trials, as they are responsible for determining the guilt or innocence of the accused based on the evidence presented.

What Are the Stages of a Criminal Trial in Oklahoma?

A criminal trial in Oklahoma follows a structured sequence of events, starting with opening statements from both the prosecution and defense. These statements provide an outline of the case and give the jury a preview of the arguments that will be made.

The next phase of the trial involves the presentation of evidence. The prosecution presents its case first, introducing witnesses and physical evidence to support their claims. Each witness is subject to cross-examination by the defense, and the defense can attempt to discredit the testimony or question the relevance of the evidence.

Once the prosecution has completed its case, the defense has the opportunity to present its evidence and witnesses. The goal of the defense is to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. This may involve introducing alternative explanations for the events in question or questioning the credibility of the prosecution’s witnesses.

After both sides have presented their cases, closing arguments will be made. These arguments allow each side to summarize their case and explain why the jury should rule in their favor. The trial then moves to jury deliberations, where the jurors will discuss the case and reach a verdict.


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- Roger Buchanan


The Murray Law Firm worked wonders for me and my needs. James Murray along with his staff are so helpful, understanding, and answered all my questions and concerns. James was able to work his magic and get things done in such a timely manner. James even made his self available by phone after hours when I was in such need. He put not only mine but my whole families worries and concerns at ease. Would highly recommend James Murray to anyone searching for a very good attorney!"

- Tiara Rich


Jamie is personal yet professional. He can put you at ease and make you feel safe and secure. He will be at your side through this most difficult time in your life and will keep you informed about what is going on in your case and what you can expect. His staff is always ready and willing to do everything the can to help you. Highly recommended."

- Alicia Mayfield

What Happens If a Defendant Is Found Guilty?

If the jury returns a guilty verdict in an Oklahoma criminal trial, the next phase is sentencing. The judge is responsible for determining the appropriate sentence based on the crime committed, the circumstances surrounding the case, and the state’s sentencing guidelines. In some cases, the sentencing phase may involve additional hearings, where both the prosecution and defense present arguments regarding the appropriate punishment.

The sentence could involve a variety of penalties, including fines, probation, community service, or imprisonment. In more serious cases, such as those involving violent crimes, sentences may include significant prison time or even life imprisonment. For those convicted of lesser offenses, alternatives to incarceration may be considered, such as probation or participation in a rehabilitation program.

A guilty verdict does not always mean the end of the legal process. Defendants have the right to appeal the court’s decision if they believe there were errors during the trial or if new evidence emerges. An appeal can result in a new trial or a reduction in the sentence, depending on the circumstances.

What Are Some Defenses That Can Be Used in an Oklahoma Criminal Trial?

Every criminal case is unique, and the defenses available to an individual will depend on the nature of the charges and the evidence presented. Common defenses in Oklahoma criminal trials include alibis, self-defense, and challenging the legality of the evidence.

An alibi defense involves proving that the accused was not present at the scene of the crime when it occurred. This can be supported by witness testimony, surveillance footage, or other evidence that places the defendant elsewhere at the time of the incident.

In cases involving violent crimes, self-defense may be a valid argument if the accused acted to protect themselves or another person from imminent harm. The success of a self-defense claim will depend on the specific circumstances of the case and whether the defendant’s actions were deemed reasonable.

Challenging the evidence can also be a critical defense strategy. For example, if the evidence against the accused was obtained illegally, such as through an unlawful search or seizure, it may be inadmissible in court. This could weaken the prosecution’s case and result in a dismissal of charges.

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Case Dismissed


Motion to Quash and Dismiss


Motion to Quash and Dismiss

How Long Does an Oklahoma Criminal Trial Typically Last?

The duration of a criminal trial in Oklahoma can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case, the number of witnesses, and the availability of evidence. Some trials may conclude within a few days, while others can take weeks or even months to complete.

Cases that involve extensive evidence, testimony, or multiple defendants tend to take longer to resolve. Additionally, unforeseen events, such as the need to recall witnesses or delays in jury deliberations, can extend the trial’s length.

While many defendants are eager to have their case resolved quickly, it is important to remember that thoroughness is essential in the legal process. Rushing through a trial could result in missed opportunities to present key evidence or properly challenge the prosecution’s case.

What Should You Do If You Are Facing a Criminal Trial in Oklahoma?

Facing a criminal trial can be a frightening and confusing experience. It is essential to seek legal counsel as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected throughout the process. A skilled attorney will guide you through each stage of the trial, from the initial hearings to the final verdict, and help you develop the strongest possible defense.

Preparation is key to navigating the complexities of the criminal justice system. Your attorney will work with you to gather evidence, prepare witnesses, and challenge the prosecution’s case. The more prepared you are, the better your chances of securing a favorable outcome.

Remember that each criminal case is unique, and no two trials will unfold in the same way. By understanding the basics of Oklahoma criminal trials and having an experienced attorney by your side, you can feel more confident and prepared as you face the legal process.

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges in Oklahoma, it is important to take immediate action. The legal process can move quickly, and failing to act promptly can jeopardize your case.

At the Murray Law Firm, we understand how overwhelming it can be to face criminal charges. Our team of dedicated attorneys is here to help you navigate the complexities of Oklahoma’s legal system. With our experience and commitment to protecting your rights, we will work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome for your case. Whether you are facing misdemeanor or felony charges, contact the Murray Law Firm today to schedule a consultation and get the legal support you need during this challenging time.